TTA: Civil: Voyager II / Connestoga
One of the two largest types of true spacecraft in the known universe, the Voyager is undoubtedly also one of the most rarely seen. Though it is familiar enough from the extensive media coverage these ships have received, few people have seen them of first hand. 'Me maiden voyages of the two ships already launched took them far outside the Solar System and noone alive today is likely to see them return, for they were the first settler ships Man has sent to the stars.
Within two years of Henri DeVass' demonstration of his prototype Warp Generator in 2027 survey ships were an their way to Alpha Centauri, Vega and Arcturus. The result of the Alpha probe is common knowledge and contact with its inhabitants was followed up as soon as its transmissions were received in 2035.
Pathfinder Vega found nothing, but the Arcturus probe signalled from forty one light years away that it had found two habitable worlds, one of which was very close to Earth's conditions. The advance party verified the suitability of the new world and in 2078 the first Voyager left with 1,200 passengers, their personal goods and the equipment they would need to colonize the distant planet.
Voyager II left twelve years later, but this time accompanied by a Connestoga (the further of the ships illustrated), the massive freighter from which the basic design for Voyager was taken.
The third Voyager has been built and is at present being prepared for the long journey to commence in two years time.
For those who have seen these enormous ships they are a truly unforgettable sight, only equalled by the vast industrial complexes orbiting Mars and Jupiter. The Consolidated Connestogas can be seen plying between the Solar System and the two Centauri systems but even these voyages are fairly infrequent as the ships are prohibitively expensive to operate with less than a full load. They were first built during the closing years of the Proxima Wars to transport the huge amount of men and materials required for the invasion of Proxima's home planets, and were mothballed after the Conquest. As trade between the three stars gradually increased they were returned to active service, but because private enterprise cannot afford to operate these vessels on a permanent basis they are leased to individual concerns by the Terran Trade Authority. There are eight Connestogas under TTA control, the remaining five being retained in reserve by the Terran Defence Authority, and although not in use they are regularly serviced and maintained.
The Connestoga and Voyager types shared identical engines, warp systems and navigational controls, differing only in hull construction. The Voyager was naturally the more complex in this respect as it had to provide accommodation and facilities for large numbers of colonists isolated in space for considerable periods of time. Both Voyagers have taken nearly eight years to reach Arcturus, as it proved necessary to make more than one warp jump, with long intervals to recharge the generators.
The third Voyager will be accompanied by two Connestogas, me of which will take up a station at a halfway point to provide booster charging facilities, thereby reducing the delay between jumps for future ships.
It is hoped that the next ship using this station will be the first of many Connestogas to return laden with the riches of the New World to replenish the resources of the old.