TTA: Civil: Avery C14
This primitve looking craft was once the mainstay of Terran logistics transportation. Designed around a modular format, the centre section could be configured to transport gases and liquids, dry goods, ores and metals, equipment or personnel, with standard propulsion, equipment and crew units at either end. For years, convoys of these craft traveled the solar system, and played an important role in the colonisation of the Moon, Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. In it's military role, it supplied the front line Skybase network with fuels, equipment and ammunition. It is a testament to the flexibility of the original design that it remained in service for many years beyond it's designed life expectancy. Ultimately they were replaced by the far larger and more capable 'Colonial' series.
Although the ships were cramped and poorly equipped by modern standards, they were fondly remembered by their crews, who frequently served aboard them for many years. Ships were sometimes given colourful nicknames which became well-known amongst the crews, replacing the more usual registration codes. Notable amongst these were the 'Tin Cow', 'Connie IV' and 'Ford's Transit'.
Crews became very competitive and would try to outdo each other in the amount of cargo carried and time taken on routes. Over the years the ships became extensivley customised, to the extent that only their own crews could service them.
However, by the start of the Proxima wars, the C14 was obsolete and could not be upgraded with better armour or defence shields, and many were lost to enemy action before being withdrawn to serve out their final days in the rear. No serviceable examples are known to exist, having either been lost in combat, broken up or cannibalised for spares, although several derelict hulks still orbit the outer worlds.